Package 'Morphoscape'

Title: Computation and Visualization of Adaptive Landscapes
Description: Implements adaptive landscape methods first described by Polly et al. (2016) <doi:10.1080/02724634.2016.1111225> for the integration, analysis and visualization of biological trait data on a phenotypic morphospace - typically defined by shape metrics.
Authors: Blake Dickson [aut, cre] , Stephanie Pierce [aut] , Noah Greifer [aut] , Robert Brocklehurst [aut]
Maintainer: Blake Dickson <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0.2
Built: 2025-03-08 04:32:35 UTC

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Convert a data frame to a fnc_df


as_fnc_df() converts a data frame containing coordinates and functional charactertics in a morphological space to a fnc_df object for use in later funcitons, most importantly krige_surf.


as_fnc_df(x, func.names = NULL, scale = TRUE)



a data frame containing coordinates and functional characteristics (and possibly other variables, which are ignored). The first two columns must correspond to the x and y coordinates of the warps in morphological space.


the names of the variables in x the correspond to functional characteristics. These charcteristics must be numeric variables. If NULL (the default), all variables other than the first two will be taken to be the functional characteristics under study.


whether to scale the functional characteristics to have a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1. This should generally be left at its default (TRUE) unless the variables have already been scaled.


Input data can be from a sampled grid of locations in morphospace, measured specimen data, species or group means, or a mix.


A fnc_df object, which is a data.frame with the x and y coordinates in the first two columns and the functional characteristics in the other columns. The "func.names" attribute contains the names of the functional characteristics.

See Also

krige_surf for using an fnc_df object to create a kriged surface.



warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps, 
                       func.names = c("hydro", "curve",
                                       "mech", "fea"))

Calculate adaptive landscapes for a matrix of weights


calc_all_lscps() calculates adaptive landscapes from a set of kriged surfaces of functional characteristics and sets of weights for those characteristics.


calc_all_lscps(kr_data, grid_weights, file = NULL)



a kriged_surfaces object; the output of a call to krige_surf.


a grid_weights object; the output of a call to generate_weights.


the path of a file to save the resulting output object, which may be quite large. The file path should contain an .rds or .rdata extension, which will be saved using saveRDS or save, respectively. See Details on how to load these files after saving them.


calc_all_lscps() computes a combined adaptive landscape for each of the supplied sets of weights. The optimal landscape overall or for certain subsets of the sample data can be found using calcGrpWprime or calcWprimeBy. calc_lscp can be used to extract the surface of the weighted functional characteristics for each set of weights (see Examples).

Because the resulting objects are so large, it can be a good idea to save them after creation, which can be done automatically using the file argument. If the supplied file extension is .rds, saveRDS will be used to save the object to the supplied file path, and the file can be loaded using readRDS. If the supplied file extension is .RData, save will be used to save the object to the supplied file path, and the file can be loaded using load.


An all_lscps object containing the following components:


a list of the grid and new_data data frames stored in kr_data.


a list containing the weightred fitness values for each set of weights for the grid and new_data datasets. These are stored in matrices with a row for each data point in grid and new_data and a column for each set of weights.


the grid_weights object supplied to grid_weights.

See Also

calc_lscp for computing a single weighted landscape or extracting the weighted surface of functional characteristics for a single set of weights.

generate_weights for generating the required matrix of weights.

calcGrpWprime and calcWprimeBy for finding optimal sets of weights and adaptive landscapes for subgroups.



warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps, 
                       func.names = c("hydro", "fea"))

kr_surf <- krige_surf(warps_fnc, new_data = turtles)

grid_weights <- generate_weights(n = 20, data = kr_surf)

all_lscps <- calc_all_lscps(kr_surf,
                            grid_weights = grid_weights)

# Extract the weighted surface for a single set
# of weights (here, the 6th set of weights)


wtd_lscp_6 <- calc_lscp(all_lscps, i = 6)

# This aligns with the weighted fitness value:

Calculate a single weighted adaptive landscape


calc_lscp() calculates a single weighted landscape from a set of kriged surfaces of functional characteristics and a set of weights for those characteristics. This landscape can then be plotted using plot.wtd_lscp. Additionally computes the fitness values for a sample of additional coordinates.


calc_lscp(data, weights, ...)

## S3 method for class 'kriged_surfaces'
calc_lscp(data, weights, ...)

## S3 method for class 'all_lscps'
calc_lscp(data, weights, i, ...)



a kriged_surfaces or all_lscps object; the output of a call to krige_surf or calc_all_lscps, repsectively. If no new_data component is included in data, only the adaptive landscape will be produced.


a vector of weights, one for each functional characteristic. These weights should be nonnegative and sum to 1.


when data is an all_lscps object, the index of the set of weights in the grid_weights object supplied to calc_all_lscps() to use to create the weighted landscape.




calc_lscp() operates on the kriged surfaces stored in data by multiplying the functional characteristic values of each point on the surface grid by the weights and computing the sum of those values to arrive at a "fitness" value that is represented by the maximum height of the combined adaptive landscape. When a new_data component is present in data (e.g., because a new_data argument was supplied to krige_surf() or data is the output of a call to krige_new_data()), the weighted fitness values will be computed for the coordinates in new_data as well.


A wtd_lscp object, which contains the following components:


a named vector of the supplied weights


a list containing the weighted grid and new_data components of data, where the values of the functional characteristics for each location on the surface are weighted by the supplied weights and an additiona column, Z, has been added containing the height of the adaptive landscape at that point.

See Also

plot.wtd_lscp for plotting the resulting weighted landscape.

generate_weights for generating a matrix of weights.

calc_all_lscps for computing weighted landscapes for a matrix of weights (i.e., rather than the single set of weights that can be used with calc_lscp). For finding an optimal set of weights, calc_all_lscps should be used, though it only produces the weighted fitness values for each set of weightd and not the weighted functional characteristic surfaces.



warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps, func.names = c("hydro", "fea"))

kr_surf <- krige_surf(warps_fnc)

weights <- c(hydro = .5, fea = .5)

w_lscp <- calc_lscp(kr_surf, weights = weights)


# Adding new_data
kr_surf <- krige_new_data(kr_surf, new_data = turtles)

w_lscp <- calc_lscp(kr_surf, weights = weights)

## See further use with calc_all_lscps() 
## at help("calc_all_lscps")



Given a "by_Wprime" or "kriged_surfaces" object, this function returns the grid of x, y values and adds a unique grid cell identifier


calc_lscp_Pareto(x, n1, n2)



A "by_Wprime" or "kriged_surfaces" object


String, name of the first trait or group to be compared


String, name of the second trait or group to be compared


A list that contains two elements: 1) A tibble containing the x,y grid of points across morphospace, the trait or landscape values Z being compared at each point and the associated Pareto optimality (Ri) values. 2) A character vector containing the names of the groups or traits that had their Pareto optimality compared

Function for calculating Pareto optimality, using the formula of Deakin et al


Function for calculating Pareto optimality, using the formula of Deakin et al


calc_Ri(x, n1, n2)



The grid data from objects of class 'kriged_surface' or 'by_Wprime'


Name of the first trait/group to be compared


Name of the second trait/group to be compared


Pareto optimality

Compute optimally weighted adaptive landscapes


calcGrpWprime() computes the optimally weighted adaptive landscape by searching through the adaptive landscapes formed from sets of weights and performance surfaces, and finding the set of weights that yields the greatest overall (average) fitness value (Z) across a sample of data or a subset thereof.


calcGrpWprime(x, index, method = "chi-squared",
              quantile = 0.05)
## S3 method for class 'grp_Wprime'
      digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)



for calcGrpWprime(), an all_lscps object; the output of a call to calc_all_lscps.

for print(), a grp_Wprime object; the output of a call to calcGrpWprime()


an optional vector of indices indicating which subset of the new_data dataset originally supplied to krige_surf should be calculated. Can be specified as a vector of numerical indicies, logical indices, or row names. If unspecified, the optimal weights will be computed using the full sample. Supplied to subset, so the name of the dataset containing the subsetting variable does not need to be included if the subsetting variable is in new_data. See Examples.


the method used to compute the optimal weights. Allowable options include "chi-square" (the default), "quantile", or "max". "chi-square" and "quantile" involve averaging across the best several sets of weights, whereas "max" uses the singular best set of weights. Abbreviations allowed. See Details.


when method is "chi-square" or "quantile", the top quantile used to determine the best sets of weights to be included in the average to compute the optimal set of weights. Should be a number between 0 and 1, with a low value indicating that only the few top sets of weights will be used. Ignored when method = "max".


the number of significant digits to print.


passed to print.default.


calcGrpWprime() calculates an overall fitness score for each set of weights based on the average weighted fitness values of the indexed subgroup. The set of weights that optimizes this score is then produced as the weights defining the optimal adaptive landscape for that subgroup. The way the final set of weights is computed depends on the argument to method. When method = "max", the single best set of weights is used. However, often many of the upper sets of weights perform equally or nearly equally as well as the best set. It is instead recommended to use "quantile" or "chi-squared" methods. When method = "quantile", the top X%X\% of weights are averaged to compute the optimal weights, where XX corresponds to the value supplied to quantile. When method = "chi-square", the chi-squared value χi2\chi^2_i is computed for each set of weights ii as

χi2=2logZmaxZi\chi^2_i = -2 \log \frac{Z_{max}}{Z_i}

where ZmaxZ_{max} is the largest ZZ among the weights, and a p-value is computed for each χi2\chi^2_i value using a χ2\chi^2 distribution with 2 d.f.; any set of weights with a p-value less than quantile is included to be averaged to compute the optimal set of weights.


A grp_Wprime object, which contains the following components:


a list containing the optimal weights and the Z value they yield (wn), and, if method is "chi-square" or "quantile", summary statistics about the best sets of weights used to compute the optimal weights, including the standard error (, standard deviation (, and range (wn.range).


a matrix containing all sets of weights (i.e., those supplied to the grid_weights argument of calc_all_lscps()) along with the Z value each yields, ordered in descending order by the yielded Z value. When index is specified, the resulting Z values are computed only using the indexed subset.


a wtd_lscp object containing the optimal weights (W) and the landscape grid and sample functional characteristcs weighted by the optimal weights.


Dickson, B. V., Clack, J. A., Smithson, T. R., & Pierce, S. E. (2021). Functional adaptive landscapes predict terrestrial capacity at the origin of limbs. Nature, 589(7841), 242-245.

Jones, K. E., Dickson, B. V., Angielczyk, K. D., & Pierce, S. E. (2021). Adaptive landscapes challenge the "lateral-to-sagittal"" paradigm for mammalian vertebral evolution. Current Biology, 31(9), 1883-1892.

See Also

calc_all_lscps for computing the landscapes which are to be optimized.

calcWprimeBy for finding optimal sets of weights for multiple subgroups defined by a subgrouping variable.

plot.grp_Wprime for plotting the resulting adaptive landscape.



warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps, 
                       func.names = c("hydro", "fea"))

kr_surf <- krige_surf(warps_fnc, new_data = turtles)

grid_weights <- generate_weights(n = 3, data = kr_surf)

all_lscps <- calc_all_lscps(kr_surf,
                            grid_weights = grid_weights)
wprime_S <- calcGrpWprime(all_lscps,
                          index = Ecology == "S")

Calculate polynomial fits over a surface


calcPoly calls on the spatial package to fit rectangular spatial polynomial surface models by least-squares, or GLS. These methods allow the user to test whether data have spatial trends in morphospace. Outputs are a polynomial trend surface, and ANOVA table for the model fit. multiPoly applies calcPoly to a fnc_df with outputs for each trait. For more extensive documentation for model fitting see the spatial package.


calcPoly(fnc, npoly = 3, = NULL, 
         gls.covmod = list(covmod = expcov, d = 0.7, alpha = 0, se = 1), 
         pad = 1.2, resample = 100, range = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
multiPoly(fnc_df, npoly = 3, ...)



an XYZ dataframe or matrix of a spatially distributed trait.


a functional dataframe from as_fnc_df with colnames corresponding to X,Y and trait names.


singular numeric. Degree of polynomial to fit ragning from 1-4. For multiPoly this can also be a vector with length equal to the numer of traits in order to specify the degree of polynomial to apply to each trait.


Optional list of arguments to pass to surf.gls if fitting by generalized least-squares is desired. Defaults to NULL, and fitting is performed by least-squares. See surf.gls and expcov documentation for a full list of arguments and usage.

Optional speficiation of the trait name. Defaults to NULL, and will use column names instead.


Degree by which to extrapolate input data. Defaults to 1.2.


Resampling density. Corresponds to the number of points calculated along both X and Y axes. Defaults to 100. If no resampling is desired, set reample = NULL


Optional. Manually set X and Y ranges. Input is a 2x2 matrix with rows corresponding to X and Y ranges respectively.


Optional. Logical. If TRUE, will print ANOVA tables.


Arguments to pass onto calcPoly when using multiPoly


Fits polynomial trend surfaces using the 'spatial' package. First, an npoly polynomial trend surface is fit by least squares using or generalized least-squares by surf.gls. GLS is fit by one of three covariance functions, exponential (expcov), gaussian (gaucov) or spherical (sphercov) and requires additional parameters to be passed as a list through gls.covmod (see examples). For a full description of arguments and usage see surf.gls and expcov documentation.

The surface is then evaluated using trmat within limits set by input data, or manually using range.


An object of class poly_surf, or multi_surf with the following components:

name of trait


Polynomial trend fit output from


Evaluated trend surface output from trmat


Expanded surface in long XZY dataframe format


Coordinates and height of the peak of the surface


Blake V. Dickson


Dickson, B.V. and Pierce, S.E. (2019), Functional performance of turtle humerus shape across an ecological adaptive landscape. Evolution, 73: 1265-1277.

See Also, surf.gls, expcov, trmat,



warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps)

# Make single trait dataframe 
hydro_fnc <- data.frame(warps_fnc[ ,1:2], warps_fnc[ ,"hydro"])

polysurf <- calcPoly(hydro_fnc)

# Fit using gls

polysurf <- calcPoly(hydro_fnc, gls.covmod = list(covmod = expcov, d = 0.7, alpha = 0, se = 1))
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

# Calculate multiple polynomial surfaces

multi_poly <- multiPoly(warps_fnc)
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

# Set manual range

polysurf <- calcPoly(hydro_fnc, range = rbind(range(warps_fnc$x) * 1.2,
                                              range(warps_fnc$y) * 1.4))
polysurf <- calcPoly(hydro_fnc, range = rbind(c(-0.2, 0.12),
                                              c(-0.06, 0.1)) )
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)                                              
# Adjust polynomial degree

multiPoly(warps_fnc, npoly = 2)

# Specify multiple degrees

multi_poly <- multiPoly(warps_fnc, npoly = c(2,3,4,3))

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Compute optimally weighted adaptive landscapes by subgroup


calcWprimeBy() computes the optimally weighted adaptive landscape by searching through the adaptive landscapes formed from sets of weights and performance surfaces, and finding the set of weights that yields the greatest overall (average) fitness value (Z) across subsets of a sample dataset.


calcWprimeBy(x, by, method = "chi-squared", quantile = 0.05)

## S3 method for class 'by_Wprime'
      digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)

## S3 method for class 'by_Wprime'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.by_Wprime'
      digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)



for calcWprimeBy(), an all_lscps object; the output of a call to calc_all_lscps.

for print.by_Wprime(), a by_Wprime object; the output of a call to calcWprimeBy().

for print.summary.by_Wprime(), a by_Wprime object; the output of a call to summary.by_Wprime().


a one-sided formula containing the grouping variable on the right hand side (e.g., ~g) or a vector containing the subgrouping variable. When supplied as a formula, the grouping variable must be present in the global environment or in the new_data component in the kriged_surfaces object originally supplied to calc_all_lscps().


the method used to compute the optimal weights. Allowable options include "chi-square" (the default), "quantile", or "max". "chi-square" and "quantile" involve averaging across the best several sets of weights, whereas "max" uses the singular best set of weights. Abbreviations allowed. See calcGrpWprime for details.


when method is "chi-square" or "quantile", the top quantile used to determine the best sets of weights to be included in the average to compute the optimal set of weights. Should be a number between 0 and 1, with a low value indicating that only the few top sets of weights will be used. Ignored when method = "max". See calcGrpWprime for details.


the number of significant digits to print.


passed to print.default and print.table.


a by_Wprime object; the output of a call to calcWprimeBy().


calcWprimeBy() splits the sample data based on the by variable and then calls calcGrpWprime on each subset. The main benefit of using calcWprimeBy() is that the subgrouping variable is part of the output object and therefore can be used in plotting using plot.by_Wprime.


A by_Wprime object contaning the following components:


the subgrouping variable supplied to by, stored as a factor and with a "by_name" attribute containing the name of the variable.


a list of grp_Wprime objects, one for each level of the subgrouping variable.

See Also

calc_all_lscps for computing the landscapes which are to be optimized.

calcGrpWprime for finding optimal sets of weights for a single subgroup.

plot.by_Wprime for plotting the resulting adaptive landscapes.



warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps, 
                       func.names = c("hydro", "fea"))

kr_surf <- krige_surf(warps_fnc, new_data = turtles)

grid_weights <- generate_weights(n = 3, data = kr_surf)

all_lscps <- calc_all_lscps(kr_surf,
                            grid_weights = grid_weights)
wprime_Ecology <- calcWprimeBy(all_lscps, by = ~Ecology)

Generate a matrix containing weight combinations


generate_weights() generates a matrix containing weight combinations for a set of variables such that each set of weights sums to 1. This can be supplied to calc_all_lscps to calculate fitness landscapes corresponding to a variety of possible sets of weights for weighting functional characteristics. The weights are generated by partitioning a weight of 1 across however many variables are requested in all possible ways.


generate_weights(step, n, data = NULL, nvar = NULL,
                 varnames = NULL, verbose = TRUE)



numeric. The step size between weight partitions. Only one of step and n can be specified.


numeric. The number of weight partitions between 0-1. Only one of step and n can be specified.


an optional fnc_df (the output of as_fnc_df) or kriged_surfaces (the output krige_surf) object. The number of variabes and their names will be extracted from the data as the functional characteristics present in them.


the number of variables across which to allocate the weights. Ignored if data is not NULL. If nvar = NULL and varnames is supplied, the length of varnames will be used for nvar.


the names of the variables across which to allocate the weights. Ignored if data is not NULL. If varnames = NULL and nvar is supplied, the sequence from 1 to nar will be used for varnames.


whether to display a message noting the number of sets of weights created.


generate_weights() works by fining all possible allocations of n objects into nvar bins. When step is supplied, n is computed as round(1/step), so the resulting weight partitions may not be exactly equal to step when its inverse is not an integer. The larger n is (or the smaller step) is, the more possible allocations will be produced (i.e., and the resulting object will have more rows). The output of generate_weights() can quickly become very large with increasing number of variables, and will make subsequent analyses slow. It is recommended to start with a large step size, or small n, and increment up.


A grid_weights object, which is a matrix with a row for each each set of weights and a column for each variable over which the weights are allocated. The weights in each row will sum to 1.


# Allocating 10 partitions of .1 across 3 variables
wmat <- generate_weights(n = 10, nvar = 3)

# Allocating 5 partitions of .2 across the 4 functional
# characteristics in the warps dataset

warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps)
wmat <- generate_weights(n = 5, data = warps_fnc)

# Using 'step' for the same result:
wmat <- generate_weights(step = .2, data = warps_fnc)



Given a "by_Wprime" or "kriged_surfaces" object, this function returns the grid of x, y values and adds a unique grid cell identifier





A "by_Wprime" or "kriged_surfaces" object


The grid of x, y values and other data, with the addition of a unique grid cell identifier, 'gridID', which is needed to correctly reorder the data following the ranking functions - see below.

Interpolate functional characteristics over a grid


krige_surf() performs automatic or manual kriging (i.e., interpolation) of one or more functional characteristics that are spatially distributed over a morphospace to create a smoothly kriged surface. Interpolated values can also be produced for a new dataset given their coordinates in morphological space.


krige_surf(fnc_df, vgm = NULL, grid = NULL, resample = 100, padding = 1.2, hull = NULL, 
  alpha = 1, new_data = NULL)
krige_new_data(x, new_data)



a fnc_df object; the output of a call to as_fnc_df, which contains coordinates in morphological space and values of functional characteristics for the warps used to create the kriged surface.


a user supplied list of variogram models generated from gstat::vgm(). When this is supplied, a manual kriging is performed using gstat::krige. Else, autoKrige is called. When supplied, list length should match the number of variables


a matrix or data frame containing the grid of points over which the surface is to be interpolated. Should be the output of a call to resample_grid. If NULL, the grid will be formed by calling resample_grid() on the inputs.


the number of points (or pixels) in the x and y dimensions over which to create the grid. Default is 100 for a kriged surface of 100x100=10,000 pixels. Passed to resample_grid. Ignored when grid is not NULL.


a number representing how much to expand the grid beyond the ranges of the x- and y-coordinates. For example, padding = 1.2 (the default) expands the grid by 20% of the coordinates' ranges in each direction. Must be a number greater than or equal to 1. Large numbers imply greater extrapolation, and whatever padding is added will be negated if hull = TRUE. Passed to resample_grid. Ignored when grid is not NULL.


method to to restrict kriging to an alpha hull to prevent extrapolation beyond the coordinates present in fnc_df. Passed to resample_grid, which uses alphahull or concaveman packages. Default is alphahull::ahull. If no hull is desired set hull = NULL. If NULL, kriging will take place over a rectangular grid that spans the boundaries of the coordinates in fnc_df. Ignored when grid is not NULL


the alpha value used to create the alpha hull. Passed to resample_grid and eventually to alphahull::ahull. Ignored when grid is not NULL.


a dataset of coordinates for a new sample; the values of the functional characteristics for this sample will be interpolated using the kriged surface.


shows all warnings called from autoKrige. Only used for debugging purposes


a "kriged_surfaces" object; the output of a call to krige_surf().


krige_surf() implements the automap::autoKrige function on one or more spatially distributed traits to produce an interpolated (or extrapolated) surface of evenly spaced gridpoints. This is done by automatiically finding the best variogram fit for each of the non-corrdinate variables in fnc_df. For details on automatic variogram fitting, see automap::autoKrige.

Input data in fnc_df can be unevenly distributed (direct from speciments), or gridded (determined from evenly distributed hypothetical shapes) in morphospace. Trait data inputted directly from specimen measurements will be subject to error based on the how unevenly points are distributed, with high resoultion gridded datapoints producing the least potential reconstruction error (see Smith et al 2021).

By default krige_surf will create a hull to strictly prevent any extrapolation beyond the provided data. This will produce the most conservative landscapes. If hull is set to FALSE, then the function will reconstruct a rectangle determined by the XY coordinate ranges supplied in fnc_df. Padding will be applied by default (an extra 20%) as defined by padding, to expand the rectangle beyond the supplied points. Reconstructions without a hull would be most appropriate for trait data determined from evenely spaced hypothetical gridpoints. If grid is provided the function will strictly interpolate at these gridded points.

krige_new_data() adds a new data set to the supplied kriged_surfaces object and interpolates the values of the functional characteristics on the suppllied sample. This should only be used to add a new dataset to a kriged_surfaces object produced without new_data supplied or to replace an existing new_data component.


An object of class kriged_surfaces containing the following components:


the original data frame of functional characteristics passed to fnc_df.


a named list of the kriged surfaces, one for each functional characteristic. Each surface is of class autoKrige, the output of the call to automap::autoKrige.


a list of two data frames, grid and new_data. grid contains the coordinates of the kriged surface grid (in the x and y columns) as well as the interpolated values of the functional characteristics. new_data contains the sample coordinates supplied to new_data as well as the interpolated values of the functional characteristics for each sample. This second component is absent if new_data = NULL in the call to krige_surf().

For krige_new_data(), the original kriged_surfaces object, with the $dataframes$new_data component containing the sample coordinates supplied to new_data as well as the interpolated values of the functional characteristics for each sample.


Smith, S. M., Stayton, C. T., & Angielczyk, K. D. (2021). How many trees to see the forest? Assessing the effects of morphospace coverage and sample size in performance surface analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(8), 1411-1424.

See Also

plot.kriged_surfaces for plotting the kriged surfaces.

as_fnc_df for creating the input dataset.

resample_grid for creating the grid over which the kriging occurs prior to using krige_surf.

automap::autoKrige for the function that does the kriging.



warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps)

grid <- resample_grid(warps, hull = "concaveman", plot = TRUE)

kr_surf <- krige_surf(warps_fnc, grid = grid)

# Add new data
kr_surf <- krige_new_data(kr_surf, new_data = turtles)

# Doing it all in one step:
## Not run: 
kr_surf <- krige_surf(warps_fnc, new_data = turtles, hull = "alphahull")

## End(Not run)

# No hull and padding
kr_surf <- krige_surf(warps_fnc, new_data = turtles, hull = NULL, padding = 1.2)

Significance tests between sets of weights


lands.grp.test() performs a statistical test for whether the optimal adaptive landscape for two subgroups are significantly different from each other. The p-value of the test is the proportion of weight sets that are shared between the two subgroups among their respective top weight sets. multi.lands.grp.test() performs this test for all pairs of subgroups.


lands.grp.test(grpa, grpb, method = "chi-squared",
               quantile = 0.05)

multi.lands.grp.test(x, method = "chi-squared",
                     quantile = 0.05)

## S3 method for class 'lands.grp.test'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)

## S3 method for class 'multi.lands.grp.test'
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), 
      style = "matrix", ...)


grpa, grpb

for lands.grp.test(), the two grp_Wprime objects containing the adaptive landscapes to be compared; these are the output of calls to calcGrpWprime.


for multi.lands.grp.test(), a by_Wprime object, the output of a call to calcWprimeBy.

for print(), the output of a call to lands.grp.test() or multi.lands.grp.test().


the method used to determine which sets of weights are in the "best" sets of weights that are to be comapred between the two groups. Allowable options include "chi-squared" and "quantile". See calcGrpWprime for details.


the top quantile used to determine the best sets of weights to be included in the average to compute the optimal set of weights. Should be a number between 0 and 1, with a low value indicating that only the few top sets of weights will be used. See calcGrpWprime for details.


the number of significant digits to print.


how to display the results of the pairwise tests; allowable options include "matrix" and "table". Abbreviations allowed.


passed to print.default.


lands.grp.test() performs pairwise comparisons between two adaptive groups by comparing the number of shared landscapes nA+Bn_{A+B} in the top percentile of each group with the total number of landscapes in this top percentile ntotaln_{total}. The probability P(A=B)P(A=B) thus is calculated as:

P(A=B)=nA+B/ntotalP(A=B) = n_{A+B}/n_{total}

If method = "quantile" is used, then the top percentile is defined by quantile. If method = "chi-squared" is used, then the top percentile is calculated from the chi-squared value χi2\chi^2_i as:

χi2=2logZmaxZi\chi^2_i = -2 \log \frac{Z_{max}}{Z_i}

where ZmaxZ_{max} is the largest ZZ among the weights, and a p-value is computed for each χi2\chi^2_i value using a χ2\chi^2 distribution with 2 d.f.; any set of weights with a p-value less than quantile is included in the optimal set of weights.

multi.lands.grp.test() is a wrapper for lands.grp.test(), applying the function pairwise to all combinations of groups calculated by calcWprimeBy.


For lands.grp.test(), a lands.grp.test object containing the following components:


the number of sets of weights that match between the two supplied subgroups


the p-value of the test, computed as the number of sets of weights that match divided by the number of sets of weights compared


a matrix containing the sets of weights that match between the two subgroups


the argument supplied to method


the argument supplied to quantile

For multi.lands.grp.test(), a multi.lands.grp.test object containing the following components:


a data frame containing the results of the tests, with the columns Group A and Group B indicating the groups involved in the comparison, the column Matches containing the number of matching sets of weights in the comparison, and the column p value containing the p-value of the test.


the argument supplied to method


the argument supplied to quantile

For print.multi.lands.grp.test(), setting style = "table" prints the res component as-is; setting style = "matrix" creates a matrix where the p-values of the test are below the diagonal and the number of matches of the test are above the diagonal.


Jones, K. E., Dickson, B. V., Angielczyk, K. D., & Pierce, S. E. (2021). Adaptive landscapes challenge the "lateral-to-sagittal"" paradigm for mammalian vertebral evolution. Current Biology, 31(9), 1883-1892.

See Also

calcGrpWprime and calcWprimeBy for creatign the objects used as inputs to these functions



warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps, 
                       func.names = c("hydro", "fea"))

kr_surf <- krige_surf(warps_fnc, new_data = turtles)

grid_weights <- generate_weights(n = 3, data = kr_surf)

all_lscps <- calc_all_lscps(kr_surf,
                            grid_weights = grid_weights)

# Comparing adaptive landscapes of Ecology groups S and M
wprime_S <- calcGrpWprime(all_lscps,
                          index = Ecology == "S")
wprime_M <- calcGrpWprime(all_lscps,
                          index = Ecology == "M")
lands.grp.test(wprime_S, wprime_M)

# Comparing adaptive landscapes of all Group subgroups
wprime_by_Group <- calcWprimeBy(all_lscps, by = ~Group)
tests <- multi.lands.grp.test(wprime_by_Group)
print(tests, style = "table")

Simple Operations on Spatial Data


Perform simple operations (sum, sub, mult, div) on one or multiple landscapes (see details for use cases)


sum_lscps(lscps, num = NULL, average = TRUE)
mult_lscps(lscps, num = NULL)
sub_lscps(lscps, binary = FALSE)
div_lscps(lscps, binary = FALSE)



A named list containing datasets of spatial data to apply operations (see details).


Optional. Defaults to NULL. A vector containing a single numeric scalar or numeric vector with length = lscps to scale by when using sum_lscps and mult_lscps(). If NULL, these functions will operate between lscps. If num is provided, these functions will operate between lscps and num.


If subracting or dividing landscapes, binarize result to obtain logical [0,1] result (see details for use case)


if summation is performed, should the result be averaged for the number of landscapes


Simple operations are applied to one or more landscapes depending on use case. Spatial datasets can be supplied in an XYZ dataframe, or as any landscape output from Morphoscape.

sum - sum a single spatial dataset/landscape with a single scalar (lscp1 + num1); sum two or more spatial datasets/landscapes together (lscp1 + lscp2 ... lscpN); or sum multiple landscapes with multiple scalars ((lscp1, lscp2 ... lscpN) + (num1, num2, ..., numN))

mult - multiply a single spatial dataset/landscape with a single scalar (lscp1 * num1); multiply two or more spatial datasets/landscapes together (lscp1 * lscp2 ... lscpN); or multiply multiple landscapes with multiple scalars ((lscp1, lscp2 ... lscpN) * (num1, num2, ..., numN))

sub - substract one spatial dataset/landscape from another (lscp1 - lscp2). If numeric subtraction is desired, use sum_lscps with negative num values.

div - divide one spatial dataset by another (lscp1 / lscp2).

sub_lscps() and div_lscps can be used to construct transition landscapes per (Dickson et al 2020) which can compare performance between two adaptive regimes. If binary = T is used, the result will be a spatial representation of which parent landscape dominates. However, it is recommended to use trans_lscps or adpt_regions to calculate transtional landscapes or adaptive regions (not yet implemented).


An object of class "combined.surface" containing XYZ spatial data.


Blake V. Dickson

See Also

krige_surf, calcGrpWprime, calc_lscp, calcPoly, trans_lscps, adpt_regions




fnc_df <- as_fnc_df(warps, 
                       func.names = c("hydro", "curve", "mech", "fea"))

kr_surf <- krige_surf(fnc_df, new_data = turtles)

grid_weights <- generate_weights(n = 10, data = kr_surf)

all_lscps <- calc_all_lscps(kr_surf,
                            grid_weights = grid_weights)

wprime_S <- calcGrpWprime(all_lscps,
                          index = Ecology == "S")

wprime_T <- calcGrpWprime(all_lscps,
                          index = Ecology == "T")
lscps <- list(wprimeS = wprime_S, wprime_T = wprime_T)
# summing multiple landscapes together

summed_surfs <- sum_lscps(lscps, average = TRUE)

# summing landscapes by one or more numeric scalars

summed_surfs <- sum_lscps(lscps, num = c(1.5, -1.15)) # multiple numeric, with subtraction

# multiplying mutliple landscapes together
mult_surfs <- mult_lscps(lscps) # multiply landscapes together

# multiplying landscapes by one or more numeric scalars
mult_surfs <- mult_lscps(lscps, num = 2) # apply numeric multiplier to all landscapes
mult_surfs <- mult_lscps(lscps, num = c(1.2, 0.8)) # apply numeric elements to each landscape

# substract or divide two landscapes

sub_surf <- sub_lscps(lscps)
div_surf <- div_lscps(lscps)

# with binary result

sub_surf <- sub_lscps(lscps, binary = TRUE)
div_surf <- div_lscps(lscps, binary = TRUE)



Helper function - plots Pareto optimality Ri across the grid. Contours are color coded according Ri score. Additionally, the Pareto front is drawn using geom_smooth on the subset of points whose Ri == maximum Ri


plot_ggPareto(x, n1 = NULL, n2 = NULL)



PO_List object, result of calc_lscp_Pareto. Alternatively, a dataframe or tibble containing trait values


First variable to plot


Second variable to plot


A ggplot object



Helper function - plots specific performance surface or landscape. Data must be in tabular format. Grid is color-coded according to trait value or Z score.


plot_ggsurf(x, n1 = NULL)



PO_List object, result of calc_lscp_Pareto. Alternatively, a dataframe or tibble containing trait values


Name of the trait variable or group landscape being plotted


A ggplot object



Helper function - plots trade-offs between different traits or landscape Z scores, as an x-y scatterplot. Points are color coded according to Pareto optimality Ri score.


plot_ggtrade(x, n1 = NULL, n2 = NULL)



PO_List object, result of calc_lscp_Pareto. Alternatively, a dataframe or tibble containing trait values


First variable to plot


Second variable to plot


A ggplot object

Utility functions for calculating Pareto optimality


Plots Pareto optimality between two traits or landscapes Z values across morphospace.


plot_lscp_Pareto(x, n1 = NULL, n2 = NULL)



Output from calc_lscps_Pareto


First variable to plot


Second variable to plot


A series of ggplot graphs, generated by a series of helper functions. These can be accessed and viewed individually, or plotted all at once using the 'patchwork' package

Plots Kriged surfaces of functional characteristics


plot.kriged_surfaces() produces spatial landscape plots of kriged surfaces produced by krige_surf.


## S3 method for class 'kriged_surfaces'
plot(x, alpha = 0.5, pt.col = "black",
     interpolate = TRUE, contour = TRUE, ...)



a kriged_surfaces object; the output of a call to krige_surf.

alpha, pt.col

when a new_data component is present in x, the transparency (alpha) and color (pt.col) of the points plotted for the new samples.


logical; whether to smooth the plot by interpolating across pixels in the grid. Passed to ggplot2::geom_raster.


logical; whether to add contour lines to the plot to illustrate changes in the fitness landscape.




plot.kriged_surfaces() is a wrapper for ggplot2 raster plotting functions. For more precise control of raster plotting see ggplot2::geom_raster.


A ggplot object, which can be further manipulated using ggplot2 functionality.

See Also

ggplot2::ggplot, ggplot2::geom_raster, and ggplot2::geom_contour for the underlying plotting functions. See also sp::spplot for alternative plotting functions.

krige_surf for generating the kriged surfaces. krige_new_data for adding a new_data component to an existing kriged surface before plotting.


# See examples at help("krige_surf")

Plot Adaptive Landscapes


These plot plot methods plot an adaptive landscape, a weighted combination of functional surfaces. These landscape arise from calls to calc_lscp, calc_all_lscps, calcGrpWprime, and calcWprimeBy.


## S3 method for class 'wtd_lscp'
plot(x, alpha = 1, pt.col = "black", 
     interpolate = TRUE, contour = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'grp_Wprime'
plot(x, alpha = 1, pt.col = "black", 
     interpolate = TRUE, contour = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'by_Wprime'
plot(x, level, ncol = 1, alpha = 1,
     pt.col = "black", interpolate = TRUE, contour = TRUE, 



a wtd_lscp, grp_Wprime, or by_Wprime object, the output of a call to calc_lscp, calcGrpWprime, or calcWprimeBy, respectively.


the transparency of the points for the data sample. A number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque). Passed to ggplot2::geom_point.


the color of the points for the data sample. Passed to ggplot2::geom_point.


whether to interpolate across pixels in the grid. Passed to ggplot2::geom_raster.


whether to display contours in the grid.


which level of the by (subgrouping) variable to be plotted. If missing, all will be plotted.


when multiple subgroups are plotted, in how many columns should the plots be arranged.




These plotting functions are wrappers for ggplot2 raster plotting functions. For more precise control of raster plotting see ggplot2::geom_raster.


A ggplot object that can be further adjusted using functions from ggplot2.

See Also

calc_lscp, calc_all_lscps, calcGrpWprime, and calcWprimeBy for the functions used to create the objects that are plotted

plot.kriged_surfaces for plotting functional surfaces prior to combining them into an adaptive landscape.

ggplot2::geom_raster, ggplot2::geom_point, and ggplot2::geom_contour for the underlying plotting functions.



warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps, func.names = c("hydro", "fea"))

kr_surf <- krige_surf(warps_fnc, new_data = turtles)

weights <- c(hydro = .5, fea = .5)

w_lscp <- calc_lscp(kr_surf, weights = weights)

plot(w_lscp, countour = FALSE, pt.col = "white")

# See help("calc_lscp"), help("calcGrpWprime"), and 
# help("calcWprimeBy") for examples when used with
# those functions

Create a full grid from a set of coordinates


resample_grid() creates a rectangular grid around supplied coordinates by resampling evenly spaced points between the minimum and maximum values of each coordinate dimension. The grid can optionally be reduced to a convex or concave hull around the supplied coordinates.


resample_grid(coords2D, resample = 100, padding = 1.2, hull = NULL, alpha = 1, 
  plot = FALSE)



a 2-column matrix data frame of coordinates with the x-coordinates in the first column and the y-coordinates in the second column. The ranges of each column will be used to create the resampled grid.


the number of points (or pixels) in the x and y dimensions over which to create the grid. Default is 100 for a kriged surface of 100x100=10,000 pixels.


a number representing how much to expand the grid beyond the ranges of the x- and y-coordinates. For example, padding = 1.2 (the default) expands the grid by 20% of the coordinates' ranges in each direction. Must be a number greater than or equal to 1. Large numbers imply greater extrapolation, and whatever padding is added will be negated if hull is specified.


method to restrict the grid to an alpha hull using alphahull] or concaveman packages. Default is 'NULL' and no hull will be calculated.


when hull != NULL, the alpha value used to create the hull. Passed to ahull or concaveman.


Logical. When hull is specified, whether to plot the resulting hull overlayed over the original grid. Default is TRUE.


A data frame with two columns, x and y, containing the resampled coordinate grid. When hull is specified, any points not in the hull will be absent.

See Also

krige_surf, which uses resample_grid for kriging.

ahull and inahull, or concaveman for creating the hull.



warps_fnc <- as_fnc_df(warps)

# hull with plot to see the hull
grid <- resample_grid(warps_fnc[c("x", "y")],
                      hull = "concaveman", plot = TRUE)

## Not run: 
# Alpha hull with plot to see the hull
grid <- resample_grid(warps_fnc[c("x", "y")],
                      hull = "alphahull", plot = TRUE)

## End(Not run)



Function to get the heights on a landscape for a set of species points. For a given set of species coordinates in morphospace, this function finds the closest point on the landscape grid, and assigns the values associated to that grid point to that species.


sp_vals_from_grid(x, y)



A 'by_Wprime' or 'PO_List' object - contains the functional adaptive landscapes or Pareto landscapes you want to extract heights from.


A dataframe containing species information morphospace. The coordinates columns must be labelled 'x' and 'y'.


A dataframe containing the species information from y, with additional columns extracted from the landscape data

Turtle Humeri


A dataset containing a sample of 40 turtle humeri used in Dickson and Pierce (2019). New names added by Robert Brocklehurst to make them consistent with prevailing taxonomy.




A data frame with 40 observations on the following 4 variables.


the first axis of shape variation as determiend by a between-groups principal components analysis


the second axis of shape variation as determiend by a between-groups principal components analysis


the locomotor ecologies of the turtles


the three ecological groups as determined by a Procrustes ANOVA; "M" (marine), "S" (semiaquatic), and "T" (terrestrial)


Dickson, B.V. and Pierce, S.E. (2019), Functional performance of turtle humerus shape across an ecological adaptive landscape. Evolution, 73: 1265-1277. doi:10.1111/evo.13747

Trutle Phylogeny


A phylogeny of turtles from Dickson and Pierce (2019) downloaded from




A phylo object that stores the turtle phylogeny.


Dickson, B.V. and Pierce, S.E. (2019), Functional performance of turtle humerus shape across an ecological adaptive landscape. Evolution, 73: 1265-1277. doi:10.1111/evo.13747

Simulated Shape Warps


Trait data for simulated shape warps of turtle humeri used to study the morphological evolution of turtles in Dickson and Pierce (2019). The morphospace was defined by a geometric morphometric analyises of 1028 psuedolandmarks on 40 turtle humeri. Hypothetical shape warps were then produced on a 4x6 grid accross morphospace. For each shape warp, four functional traits were measured, corresponding to a locomotory performance trait: stress under simulated load (strength), bone curvature (stride length), muscular mechanical advantage (mechanical advantage), and frontal area (hydrodynamics).




A data frame with 24 observations on the following 6 variables.


the first axis of shape variation as determiend by a between-groups principal components analysis of the turtles dataset


the second axis of shape variation as determiend by a between-groups principal components analysis of the turtles dataset




stride length


mechanical advantage


strength (assessed using finite element analysis)


Dickson, B.V. and Pierce, S.E. (2019), Functional performance of turtle humerus shape across an ecological adaptive landscape. Evolution, 73: 1265-1277. doi:10.1111/evo.13747